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CAS#: 24599-21-1

HEMA Phosphate is a liquid adhesive system that bonds to and interacts with calcium-containing substrates. Also commonly known as ethylene glycol methacrylate phosphate.

Unit of Measure

Typical Properties


N/A 24599-21-1

Common Name

N/A HEMA Phosphate

Chemical Name

N/A ethylene glycol methacrylate phosphate

Molecular Formula

N/A C6H11O6P

Molecular Weight

N/A 210.130

Refractive Index

N/A 1.469

Acidity (KOH per gram)

N/A >200 mg

MeHQ Inhibitor

N/A 100 ppm

Toxic Substance Control Act List

N/A Listed

Typical Applications

Typical Applications


A liquid adhesive system that bonds to and interacts with calcium-containing substrates